A Place for Knowledge, Truth, and Empowerment

There is nothing better than helping people change their lives. You may be thinking that this is all about looking better, or vanity, but let me assure you, it's not; well, at least not for the majority of people. This is about saving lives, giving people back their self-esteem and worth, helping people know that they are valuable and beautiful, and walking with them the entire way to offer encouragement, motivation, and support! What is better than that?! (Living 2 Cor. 1: 3-5)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Please Join Me...

I am moving...to Love2Lose.com, so if you would like more inspirational, motivational, and informational messages, please follow me to my new location so this can continue to be a blessing for your life!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Assuming Makes an A**... ::: No donkeys allowed :::

"The whole assembly of the LORD says: 'How could you break faith with the God of Israel like this? How could you turn away from the LORD and build yourselves an altar in rebellion against him now?...The Mighty One, God, the LORD! He knows! And let Israel know! If this has been in rebellion or disobedience to the LORD, do not spare us this day.  If we have built our own altar to turn away from the LORD and to offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, or to sacrifice fellowship offerings on it, may the LORD himself call us to account."  ~ Joshua 22: 16, 22-23

It is very easy to look at the actions of others and assume that they are doing something with evil intent or wrongful hearts, but this is not always the case.  In the book of Joshua, several clans of Israel were accused of turning away from God because they had built an altar in a different land than where the altar of the Lord was instructed to be built.  Because they did this, the other clans assumed that they were offering sacrifices to other gods and rebelling from the true God.  When they confronted the tribes about their rebellion they were met with a shocking response; "God knows!"  They knew that God was aware of the purity of their hearts.  They knew that God understood that the altar they built was only a tribute to God and not an altar on which they would be sacrificing to idols, or anything else.  The assumptions of the others tribes on the hearts of their kinsmen made them look like fools.  Only God can know the true hearts of people, whether their actions reflect evil or good.

I recently heard of a disturbing situation where a fellow Beachbody coach was accused of flaunting his success and rubbing it in the faces of others, merely because he makes posts on Facebook about it!  This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, especially since I have never, ever seen anything to make me believe that there is some prideful exhibit occurring.  Quite the contrary, the couple who has had great success has accomplished that success through diligence, perseverance, and triumphing through many difficult times!  How sad and disappointing for such heartfelt people of character to be attacked for showing others what truly can be brought to fruition through hard work and consistence.  

When we see the successes of others, we should be careful not to come to conclusions too quickly.  There is far too much we do not know about the lives of others, and there is certainly  plenty we can not possibly know about the heart and intentions behind the actions.  We must be certain to act as adults and not children.  

In my morning bible study I have begun the book of Ruth.  In today's reading I watched as Ruth came along Naomi to support and assist her.  I also saw as she offered to glean food for both of them from the fields in the area: 

"Let me go to the fields and pick up the left over grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor," (Ruth 2:2).  

The footnote for the scripture was surprisingly applicable to this topic that was on my heart.  It reads, "Instead of depending on Naomi or waiting for good fortune to happen, she took the initiative.  She went to work.  She was not afraid of admitting her need or working heard to supply it.  When Ruth went out to the fields, God provided for her.  If you are waiting for God to provide, consider this: He may be waiting for you to take the first step to demonstrate just how important your need is."  How easy it would have been for Naomi and Ruth to sit on their haunches and be victims to their situation.  They could have looked all around them and seen loads of farmers working to harvest the fields and been jealous of all the success and blessing "everyone else" was experiencing, while they suffered with difficult times.  But, Ruth took the initiative.  She saw what needed to be done and she got up and did it, no questions asked.  And because of her diligence and consistent hard work she was greatly rewarded by the farm owner, Boaz.  Because of Ruth's determination to find solutions to their problems, she experienced blessing.

Instead of looking to the successes of others as a reason to be jealous and callous, we should celebrate!  When we respond with petty arguments, accusations, assumptions, and jealousy, we act as children involved in a fight over a mutually loved toy; "I want that, so you can't have it."  We must be adults and act with maturity, showing happiness and joy for the successes of others.  The next and best step in this progression is to act wisely, not only showing joy for another's success but then saying, "what can I do to achieve the same successes for myself?"  Wisdom turns lessons into application and action.  

Are there areas in your life where you could be a bit more wise and take the initiative to achieve the results you seek?  God does not usually provide miracles in places where we already have everything we need to get the job done because He has already provided it.  We must not be lazy or prone to flights of fancy, but hard-working, diligent, and committed to success, no matter what the task at hand.  Maybe you want to lose weight.  Maybe you want to make more money, or get out of debt, or have a better marriage or relationship with your kids, etc.  All of these things can be accomplished, but we must be certain to do our part in achieving the goal.

I have a scripture on the wall in front of my desk which reads, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed," (Proverbs 16:3).  I had heard the scripture many times before, but what caught my eye to put it on the wall was the footnote:

"We must maintain a delicate balance; trusting God as if everything depended on him, while working as if everything depended on us."

We cannot forget our part in achieving our goals.  We cannot expect God to do everything while we sit and do nothing.  When we work in partnership with God, beautiful things happen and we experience His wonderful provision and blessing in our lives.  There is just nothing better than walking with Him and getting to know Him better.  Ask God what areas in your life need action, and then follow through with getting to work!  You may be surprised at what you can achieve!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Changing Lives, One at a Time

When difficulties come up in life, sometimes it is an opportunity to look at your life and see what can be changed to make you a better stewardship in life. We have chosen Beachbody to help us accomplish this goal, and so have many, many others. Blessings abound with Beachbody!